Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sometimes we have it lucky

So it's been a while since I've posted on here. Well after watching the news today I think I've got something to talk about.
So first off let me start off by saying that with the tornados in the Midwest ad south yesterday that all will be found and hopefully safe.
To those that were unfortunate to lose there lives hopefully their families find some peace.

With that being said, I know that being a first responder in the Northeast I consider us lucky.
That's not to say that the first responders up here don't see their fair share of the "good stuff" or tragedy. The tornados that went through western Mass were devastating but compared to what goes on in "tornado alley" that was tame. All of the police, fire and EMS communities were all willing to help but it wasn't needed as other areas in the country.
Sure we get some big snow storms, lose some power and man the shelters but rarely is a town just destroyed from snow. Yes they can be disabled from not being able to move but that really hasn't happened here. Sure we get the occasional hurricane but for the most part they weaken as they make their way up the coast. We've had some doozies but nothing compared to destruction of a tornado.
We in the first responder family have been lucky when it comes from this destruction. That being said it doesn't mean we don't plan for it, and continue to plan. We always need to be prepared for anything.
So to the first responders in the Midwest and south, continue the good work and stay safe yourselves.

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